Webinar: Getting ready for STP2

The next phase of STP

Getting ready for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2

Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2) is the next step of the initial Single Touch Payroll (STP1) program that first launched in 2018. The ATO has expanded the current reporting system to include more information about employers and employees which will help with the administration of reporting multiple government agencies and social security information.

Ahead of the 1 November 2022 STP2 start date for Sybiz Visipay users, we hosted a refresher webinar session on 14 October 2022 to help customers prepare. You can watch the recorded webinar below.

STP2 Refresher - October 2022

If you missed our sessions from earlier in the year, you can still watch them below:

STP2 Part A - February 2022

STP2 Part B - April 2022

STP2 Part C & EOFY - June 2022

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