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Sybiz Vision 21.11

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Important Information

Changes to line note behaviour
When a line note is added into a new transaction, users will only be able to see the first 5 lines of the note and pixel scrolling will be disabled. This will not limit the amount of data users can enter into a line note. Once the transaction has been processed and can no longer be interacted with, all line note data will be viewable and scrollable. (CR210646353, CR201044676, CR200944521, CR191142632)

Date range reduction when adding documents to transactions
When adding documents to transactions, such as returns and credits, the default date range has been limited to 12 months, speeding up the loading process for users. Dates prior to 12 months can be located by inputting the date of the transaction. Sales, purchase and manufacture orders being turned into deliveries and invoices are not restricted by these dates. (CR210646292)

The Pay and Process screen has changed
Changes have been made to the user interface of Pay and Process. The terminology of the totals has now changed to read Rounding, Remaining and Change. The transaction date has also been included in the top left of the screen and the sales total has been moved to the top right of the screen. (CR210345773)

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Stocktake and tracked item behaviour change
Serial and lot numbers being generated on the fly for items that have not yet been recorded display as negative stock. Now, stocktakes being started that include tracked items with serial numbers allocated in negative stock will display an error advising the negative items cannot be counted. A stock transfer will be required to resolve any negative items. 

Changes to grid editing
User interaction with grid editing in Product Maintenance has reverted to a previous behaviour. Editable grids are now only editable inline and the colum order is fixed. (CR200844353)

Changes to Transaction Aging
The ‘Days from next month’ trading terms have changed such that a transaction due in the current month will be aged as current, until the day on which it is due has passed. A transaction due in a future month will show as ‘Future’ aging. Previously, situations could arise in which transactions due in the current month and in future months would all show as current, making it difficult to distinguish. Once transactions based on these trading terms become overdue they are aged on a monthly basis.

Behaviour change in Service Invoice Run Wizard
The default behaviour of printing has changed in the Service Invoice Run Wizard. Now, instead of choosing print or email, the system uses the ledger settings to determine the normal method for output. These output methods can be overridden from the wizard. For more information about this change, see the enhancement below. (CR180838741, CR210345587)

Operating system compatibility
Certain older operating systems (Microsoft Windows XP, some versions of Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Server 2003) and Microsoft SQL Server (2008/2008R2) are not compatible with Sybiz Vision 21.10 - if uncertain consult your Authorised Business Partner prior to upgrading. Future versions of Sybiz Vision may have revised minimum requirements for operating systems.

DevExpress upgrade
Version 21.10 of Sybiz Vision utilises DevExpress version 20.2.8.



New Features

Delete records en masse
A new Mass Delete Wizard gives users the ability to delete large amounts of data in Sybiz Vision quickly and easily. This is especially time-saving for managing changes to entire product lines and price scales.  Users simply export their chosen data, select items to delete and then import the modified data back in using the Mass Delete Wizard. Where records could not be deleted, the wizard provides a downloadable file for user review. Paired with existing import functionality, wholesale changes such as replacing Product Suppliers are a breeze. (CR170935352 & CR190942153)

Transaction corrections just got easier
Users now have the ability to correct both the aging date and delivery methods for transactions after they have been processed, making quick fixes simple. (CR190741653, CR201044746)

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Saved state settings on grid column auto-filter
Changes made to grids using the individual column auto-filter, now save to the users state and will be applied each time the grid is used, until changed. (CR180437239)

Save filter options on grids
Users now have an option on standard grids to save filter options on a grid by grid basis. When this new option is turned on, any filters applied across the software will be saved to the users state for that grid. The default option is set to off, however users can activate this on each grid by right-clicking on the header row and selecting Turn Save Filters On. (CR210646309, CR210646258) 

Total amounts for multiple lines and groups on grids
Different total amounts are now shown in the footer area of Enquiry grid screens when individual, multiple and grouped lines are selected, making it a simple process to see totals at a glance. For example, if no lines are selected, the total amount will show, however when multiple lines or grouped lines are selected by holding down the CTRL button and clicking each line or group, the total amount will show for all lines selected.  (CR201245073)

Total Adjustment functionality on Purchase Invoices
Purchase invoices now function in a similar manner to Sales invoices where users are able to adjust the total cost across an invoice. When Update Lines > Total Adjustment is used, a negative landed cost is applied and a GL discount line is automatically added to offset the total price. (CR200643743)

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Create Purchase Invoices directly from approved Purchase Requisitions
Purchase invoices can now be created directly from approved Purchase requisitions simply by right-clicking on the approved purchase order line in the Purchase Requisition Management grid and selecting Create Purchase Invoice. (CR210646364)

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New Custom Web Queries
An extension has been made to Sybiz Vision's Web API, allowing new custom web queries to be added from directly within the software. This extension will allow third-party developers to securely allocate specific user permissions to run certain queries, preventing unauthorised access. (CR210646380)


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More flexibility with how you use Sybiz Vision
Non-modal screens have been extended across the software, allowing multiple windows to be open at once while still interacting with other areas of the software, including editing and viewing. Certain functionality such as Lookups and Company Options remain modal, meaning you must close them before navigating elsewhere in the software. (CR210646425)

New additions to default options in Vision Search
Stock takes and stock transfers are now available in Vision Search as a default option, making these items more easily searchable from within the software. (CR200243056)

Add new delivery addresses on the fly
Users now have the option to add new delivery addresses to sales transactions during processing. With a simple right-click, a once-off delivery address can be added against the transaction without affecting the permanent customer record. (CR210345780)

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Access customer and supplier special prices from Product Enquiry screens
Customer and Supplier special prices can now be seen directly from the product enquiry screen, speeding up the process when evaluating special prices for products. New Customer Prices and Supplier Prices menu options are available from the left side menu under the heading General. (CR200343388, CR160730649)

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Improvements to Customer Enquiry screens
Outstanding transaction grids in Customer Enquiry screens now support multi-select, where multiple lines can be selected at once by pressing CTRL on your keyboard and clicking each relevant line. Total and outstanding amounts displayed will also adjust depending on the selected lines. Simply right-click and all selected transactions can be previewed or emailed straight to the customer from Sybiz Vision. (CR200744210, CR200243097)

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Significant speed improvements for serial numbers
The speed when adding serial numbers for tracked products during transactions has been significantly improved and users will see speeds jump by up to 100x. (CR161031630)

Custom grid enhancements
Custom grids can now be combined into customised groups in the ribbon bar, giving users cleaner and logical dropdown and sub-menu lists. In addition to this, the number of allowed object types available in custom grids has been expanded. (CR210245556, CR210245430)

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Service Action screen improvements
The Service Action screen now has a Location field on the header menu, matching other transaction screens. When used, this will auto-populate the line location field when products (IC lines) are added. This functionality has also been extended to the Job Cost screen. (CR200844368)

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Meter Billing screen extensions
There is now an extra column (Customer) in the Meter Billing screen to make it easier for users to choose which account is preferable to invoice in different scenarios, Customer or Invoice Customer. (CR210345709)

New Meter Reading Enquiry
Users now have access to a new Meter Reading Enquiry screen (General > Reading History) that presents a list of all processed meter readings, whether processed by billing or reading. (CR180938852)

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Service Invoice Run improvements
The Service Invoice Run Wizard now includes more options for Analysis Codes and provides an option to use the Customer Analysis Code so that total sales per customer can be analysed using this process.

Users now also have the option to override invoice output from within the Service Invoice Run Wizard. Customer invoices will still use the default ledger option for that customer (i.e. email or print), however end users will be able to modify this option during the service invoice run process. (CR180838741, CR210345587)

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Descriptive information on exported Charts
Now when charts are exported, descriptive information is included by default, such as the company name, to better identify the data that has been exported. This option can be turned on or off and does not affect the information in the live window or save to the software. (CR180136325)

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Default override option for Pay and Process
There is now a default override option for Pay and Process located in Device Settings. This new option lets users nominate their own preferred payment process method for the device without affecting any other devices. This is especially useful for front line and back office staff who may routinely take different payment types. (CR210445971)

Additional flexibility to change what payment options are presented to the end user can be achieved by using the breakpoints module. (CR210746575)

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Better control over contract and special pricing for Head and Branch Offices
There is now a checkbox option available to use contract and special prices for Branch customers. Users can now turn this option on or off for each Head Office for more customised preferences. (CR191142607)

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New Product Location ID 
Users now have greater flexibility to modify information before re-importing data with an additional unique product identifier. A new column has been included as part of the import process which, if used, will act as one of the two required product identifiers. For example, this will make it much easier to change a supplier for a set of products en masse.

Touch Mode is no longer in BETA
Touch Mode in Sybiz Vision is no longer BETA stage. Enabling Sybiz Vision for touch screens has never been easier!



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Fixes and Improvements


  • Stack Overflow no longer occurs on larger Stocktakes. (CR210846639)

  • Improvements have been made to Print Previews of reports. (CR210846647)

  • Deposit refunds now behave as expected. (CR210846648)

  • The loading speed of "Add Document" screen with Purchase Invoices and Deliveries has been improved. (CR210846653)

  • Re-loading custom grids with a saved filter now behaves as expected. (CR210846654)

  • Ad Hoc Delivery Addresses for Sales Quote now posts as expected. (CR210846659)



  • Change log now displays correct values for changes made to tax status. (CR210345711)

  • AfterOpen breakpoints now fire correctly from Manufacture Issue & Manufacture Order transactions. (CR201245116)

  • Orders that are still in progress can be added to deliveries & credits irrespective of their transaction date. (CR210646292)

  • Some invalid scenarios involving negative lines on purchase transactions have been resolved. (CR210546178, CR210445927, CR201044807)

  • Changing Microsoft Office365 accounts now works as expected. (CR210345823)

  • Sales transactions created from opportunities now auto-populated the customer. (CR210145254)

  • When maintaining custom fields the order of records is now standardized between standard and transaction. (CR210646352)

  • Enumeration custom fields behave as expected when clearing the value or typing an invalid entry. (CR210445964)

  • Enumeration custom fields can now be cleared through the import routine. (CR210445957)

  • Foreign currency transactions asterix has moved on the aged balance report. (CR210546148)

  • Datasource is no longer lost when importing a report layout. (CR200343279)

  • Multiple deliveries from a sales pick will no longer default the wrong delivery quantity. (CR210746554)

  • An invoice with a deposit with no other delivered lines will no longer create an empty delivery transaction. (CR210746534)

  • Customer field changed to validate event to prevent incorrect changes to contacts. (CR200243153)

  • Changes to the way that the sales order line release grid allows selection of assemblies that allow creation on delivery. (CR210546195, CR210546194)

  • Changes to margin % total for sales transaction to exclude deposit lines. (CR210646445)

  • More edge case scenarios supported when using sales picks on sales transactions. (CR210345836, CR210145306)

  • Line notes are limited to display only 5 on-screen and navigate between rows when navigating with scrollbar or keyboard while transaction is in progress. (CR201044676, CR200944521, CR191142632, CR210646459)

  • Tracking properties removed from product mass update wizard. (CR190240056)

  • TPAR report works as expected with custom date range. (CR200844365)

  • Changes to the way selling prices are calculated when using markup %. (CR210446039, CR201044617, CR170734758)

  • Fix display issue when deleting images on product. (CR210445991)

  • Stock transfers no longer allow a zero quantity. (CR210746540)

  • Changes no longer allowed to grids within product maintenance. (CR200844353)

  • Products that have serial numbers or lot numbers that are waiting for purchase transactions to come in can no longer be counted on a stocktake. (CR190239997)

  • Scrolling with the job or service scheduler no longer presents an error message. (CR210646270)

  • Job preinvoices no longer allow different signs on a single line for cost & charge & crediting a preinvoice with a negative cost now works as expected. (CR210245374, CR200944513)

  • Job estimates now correctly limit the stages and costs centers that can be selected on a processed job estimate. (CR200944432)

  • Creating a sales transaction from customer enquiry follows the standard behavior for head-office/branch office customers. (CR200944432)

  • Fixes to report sets and reports not using custom dates sometimes. (CR210245404, CR210245403)

  • Creating a service quote for the service request enquiry screen now behaves as expected. (CR200944486)

  • When creating a service request automatically with meters, reference number requirements are bypassed. (CR200744020)

  • Duplicate security rights for reports removed. (CR210345826)

  • Generic conversion fixes. (CR210345658, CR201144961, CR170834995)

  • When importing changes to custom fields only, the parent record LastModifiedBy and LastModifiedOn values are now updated. (CR201144979)

  • Maintenance on custom fields will not update all records and the command timeout has been extended for some larger database. (CR210646316)

  • Additional transaction document reports have the TransactionId paramater added to support fetching additional data. (CR210646314)​

  • Crediting an invoice now posts to the accrual accounts as expected. (CR210646381)

  • Periodic billing direct to an invoice will now use the periodic bill pricing if configured to do so. (CR210646251)

  • Outstanding Sales Order grid now shows deposit lines as fully delivered instead of partially. (CR210345676)

  • Warning added to Product Maintenance when using back-to-back orders with minumum order quantities. (CR201144854)

  • Customer information available in Service Quote report when Service Request not selected. (CR201044708)

  • Prospective customers can now be selected in open dialog on sales quotes. (CR200844367)

  • The save panel size will no longer increase in size each time a pivot analytic is opened. (CR200343387)

  • Changes to the way FIFO costs are used at the time of selling products. (CR180838541)

  • Creating a Sales transaction from a Service Request will assign the Order, Delivery and Invoice customer from the request. (CR200844374)

  • Other minor fixes and improvements. (CR180537516, CR200744182, CR210646386, CR191042404, CR210646426, CR200643834, CR200643831, CR200543687, CR190641284, CR190340421, CR180938902)


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