Important information about Sybiz 24

What you need to know before upgrading to Sybiz 24

Important information for customers

Sybiz Vision and Sybiz Visipay 24 include advances in technology to keep up with the ever-changing software environment as well as our new mobile solutions. If you are planning on upgrading to Sybiz 24, there are some important technology and behaviour changes you need to be aware of.

As always, we recommend you utilise the expertise of your Sybiz Business Partner to ensure any platforms, customisations and add-ons are ready for action prior to upgrading.

See the Sybiz Vision and Sybiz Visipay What’s New pages for more information about the new features and exciting enhancements in this release.

Sybiz Vision

WebAPI access restricted
Access to WebAPI is becoming even more secure, with access now restricted to limited user accounts in Sybiz Vision. This will enable companies to choose specifically who accesses WebAPI functionality, such as allowing only specific users to login to Sybiz mobile apps or managing other third-party access. By default, existing users will be set to desktop only (no WebAPI access) and Administrators will only be able to be set to desktop only. (CR2303-1951)
WebAPI requires upgrading
WebAPI requires upgrading to the latest version (2.40) when upgrading Sybiz Vision 24.00 due to new security restrictions in place and other technology updates.
Change to label in Inventory Maintenance
The label 'Allow Inventory' has been changed to 'Allow Manufacturing' to more appropriately reflect the action taken by the user. Queries that use this field at the database level will need to be updated on upgrade. Breakpoints using the property should also be updated but will not result in a breaking change. (CR2305-2020)
Increased control over permanent closure of tax periods
To help prevent unintended permanent closure of specific tax periods, the window title information now provides the dates of the tax period in question and an additional checkbox 'Allow period to be permanently closed' has been added. This checkbox will need to be checked before the user can proceed. (CR2308-2540)

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Purchase Requisition totals for approval thresholds are now tax exclusive

Changes have been made to the Purchase Requisition approval process to better reflect approver limit thresholds. The total value excluding tax will be utilised from version 24.00 rather than the total amount inclusive of tax. Approval limits may need to be adjusted to manage this change. (CR2304-1988)

Pay items for contracts calculate differently

If there is an existing contract in place, the multiplier for overtime (i.e. double time, time and a half etc.) will now be ignored for pay items in timesheets. This change has been made to more accurately reflect contracts that are inclusive of these rates. (CR210245545)

Transaction changes affect VisionCompanyManager object 

Changes have been made to prevent some obscure transaction protection issues. These changes may result in breaking changes to external programs or breakpoint code if they are using the VisionCompanyManager object. (CR2309-2661)

Additional security option for transactions

An additional security option for transactions has been added in Sybiz Vision 24.00 to allow access without add, edit or process rights. These can be configured in Administration > Users. (CR2308-2471)


Sybiz Visipay

STP2 for child support requires new deduction types
Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2) reporting for child support deductions and child support garnishees is now supported and requires new deduction types to be assigned for use. These can be configured in Lookups > Payroll > Deductions. (CR2205-0670)

First names no longer required for STP2
Requirements in employee maintenance have changed to reflect support for surname only employees with STP2. First names are no longer a required field. (CR210345588)

TFN Declaration Export removed
Due to the capability of STP2, the TFN Declaration Export functionality is no longer required and has been removed from Sybiz Visipay 24.00 onwards. (CR2305-2172)

ESS access restricted
Access to ESS is becoming even more secure, with access now restricted to limited user accounts in Sybiz Visipay. This will enable companies to choose specifically who accesses ESS functionality, such as allowing only specific users to login to Sybiz mobile apps or managing other third-party access. By default, existing users will be set to desktop and mobile however, Administrators will only be able to be set to desktop only. (CR2304-2011)

ESS requires upgrading

ESS requires upgrading to the latest version when upgrading to Sybiz Visipay 24.00 due to new security restrictions in place and other technology updates.


General information

The following changes affect both Sybiz Vision and Sybiz Visipay.
Minimum supported version of Microsoft SQL Server
The minimum supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server for Sybiz Vision 24 is 2017 (the same as version 23.00). These compatibility levels are enforced with a message displaying on upgrade to version 23.00+ if the user’s minimum requirements fall outside of this scope prior to the database being upgraded.
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We recommend that anyone upgrading their Microsoft SQL Server upgrades to the latest version available at the time, rather than to the minimum supported version, for not only greater longevity but also better performance capabilities.
Operating system compatibility
Certain older operating systems (Microsoft Windows XP, some versions of Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Server 2003), Microsoft SQL Server (2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2016), and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 are not compatible with Sybiz 24.00 - if uncertain consult your Authorised Business Partner prior to upgrading. Microsoft Windows 11 is supported for Sybiz 24 with compatibility extending to some other later versions of Sybiz solutions.

DevExpress upgrade
Version 24.00 of Sybiz Vision utilises DevExpress version


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